My heart became hot within me. As I mused, the fire burned; then I spoke with my tongue: "O Lord, make me know my end and what is the measure of my days; let me know how fleeting I am!"

03 October 2006

In Living Color

#3 in the flesh. Sometimes he looks like a cross between a great little baby and an old man.

We're still trying to figure out what color his eyes are. They look like they have some gray in them. But then again, I'm colorblind, so what do I know?

And here's the other two, just to prove they're still cute.


Catherine said...


Alicia said...

I can't wait to see him in the flesh myself! Great first pics.

Anonymous said...

Elias is even cuter than his grandfather!

Tamara Rose said...

aww! thats so gerat! Three Olivetti kids! heh great fun! congrats! thanks for the pic. ttyl tell the wife hello.

Anonymous said...

"Baby Wias", as Charlie calls him, is just beautiful, really. That statement is not biased in any way, though I admit to being the proud Nona. He is a wonderful and most welcome addition to our family. How blessed are we!!!!!!! And, his papa is pretty cute, too!

Tamara said...

Welp, I just bought a precious card for that baby welcoming him into the world. There wasn't a big selection so I feared not finding one I liked. When I read this one I was astonished at how it confirmed so many things I had prayed for him. I sent the card today!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Nice pictures - we all stood around admiring them! We wonder - how are you pronouncing #3's name?

Jared said...

Cariann - thanks! We're pronouncing it the right way, of course :)

"eh-lie-us" or "uh-lie-us" is probably the most phonetic way I can write it.