My heart became hot within me. As I mused, the fire burned; then I spoke with my tongue: "O Lord, make me know my end and what is the measure of my days; let me know how fleeting I am!"

27 October 2006

The Gospel of Moulin Rouge

I was nervous. Good friends Micah and Emily loaned us Moulin Rouge and encouraged us to watch it. But Micah challenged us to see the picture of the gospel in the story. Would I find it? Would I be able to spot it?

Here's what I came up with:
  • It's all about Hosea and Gomer. Jesus loves His people despite our spiritual prostitution. Regardless of how many idols we've given ourselves to, He sings irresistibly to our souls and draws us to Himself in love. He convinces us that His love - not diamonds - is our best friend.
  • No matter how hard we try to push Him away, He will freely forgive and because we are His, we will not be able to resist His song of love. Thank God.
  • And Jesus is the writer of the story. No matter how much the enemy tries to mess it up and regardless how apt we are to gum up the works, it's still completely and totally His story. And at the end, He will get the girl. He's far too jealous for us; He can't just walk away.
Micah, how'd I do?

p.s. - Much like Hosea, the movie has "adult" themes and situations, but I didn't find it offensive or out of place. The caveat's been issued.


Micah said...

We're just glad somebody else out there likes it! Right on! "Like Hosea..." - Meg H. will give you super bonus points for that one.

Tamara said...

Debbie wanted me to watch it. I was hesitant because i knew it had some questionable themes. But, alas I really liked it and it was quite powerful. God jealousy is my favorite attribute of Him.