My heart became hot within me. As I mused, the fire burned; then I spoke with my tongue: "O Lord, make me know my end and what is the measure of my days; let me know how fleeting I am!"

06 September 2007

A word of advice

Say you happen to drive a Ford pickup with no air conditioning. And say you're driving to visit a friend on a 90+ degree day. If you happen to think to yourself, "Self, I have this ticket for a free car wash; now would be a good time to use it", you also ought to think to yourself, "But self, with no air conditioning, this truck cab would soon turn into my own little scorching Death Valley, but with 954% humidity."

This is all hypothetical of course.


Alicia said...

LOL! Gotta love the lessons we learn.

Catherine said...


My last car had no air conditioning, so I can relate. I remember the big trade-off: to roll down the windows and drive at 75 mph on the Beltway, getting the very life force sucked out of my lungs and turning my hair into a rat's nest...

...OR do I leave the windows rolled up, creating a 437 degree car-oven, and arrive at my destination looking for all the world like a piece of broiled halibut?

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Especially the hypothetical line.

Anonymous said...

I had a Camaro with no A/C. Not only that, but the window seals were not correct, so that taking the car to a high-pressure car wash was like taking a warm, soapy shower.

I forgot to tell this to my brother (the one you know) when he borrowed my car.

Anonymous said...

Should have bought a Chevy.